Software Solutions & Accessories

Based in Brno, Czech Republic, CactuX was founded by a team of experienced researchers with long-term expertise in X-ray micro and nano-computed tomography (CT). Focusing on developing, producing, and selling innovative accessories for industrial micro and nano CT systems.

With a strong emphasis on research and development, they are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in our industry.

Choose your nano and micro CT products:

  • The In-situ BOX is used for high-quality, real-life conditions simulation during the μCT analysis. It combines the environment temperature control function and power supply function. It operates as an autonomous system with minimal mounting requirements.
  • CT Phantoms. Metrological characterization, calibration, image quality improvement and testing nano and μCT. 
  • SaguaroX translation stages for sample positioning inside of the CT cabinet, OpuntiaX a rigid base for your custom-made holders, Magnetic addons compatible with Rigid bases and Wireless stages
